Twenty-16 / by Ahmed Maclin

it's been a long since I've written anything of purpose and meaning. Without making excuses for absence, it's been months of madness and emotional instability. Priorities shifted, as did focus and attention.

Let's talk.

I'm organising my thoughts as though I'm explaining this to you... but I'm really talking to myself. So bare with me.

Months ago we outlined a plan, and it was solid. But things get in the way. It's life. New opportunity, procrastination and loss.

A key notion we all want to live by is to live a life not motivated by money. Laziness and self doubt are corrupting. Constantly questioning if I'm good enough... if we're good enough. It adds to the stress of things. Right now I want to be able to create freely, without restraint and responsibility. I want to feel the art and express it without inhibition.

Another year is set to pass us by, and honestly, I'm glad for it. Above all this year has taught me many things and has put me through even more. I don't feel sorry for myself, instead I wish to draw inspiration from it, and motivate myself because of it.

One thing is for certain. And now I am talking to you, as well as myself. You need to believe that you are good enough. There is no doubt where there is love and desire. Embrace what is true to you. Hold it close. Let its fire burn deep in your soul and drive you towards your goals. 

Make your own fortune. Be the best version of yourself. Always.

See you in 2017.